
Sunday, July 28, 2013

To the spammers of my blog, past, present, and future.

First, to my readers:

As some of you may or may not know, my blogspot blog is starting to become more attractive to spammers who attempt to comment on it. Even with a Turing test for comments listed as anonymous, two spam comments have still made it through to comment moderation. And because I have to approve every comment before it goes through, you will not see these comments.

It seems that the trend is to comment on my blog in hopes of advertising a tech support service. In my evaluation, I found that these services were a bit shady. Even so, I give them the benefit of the doubt and contact them through the contact us form. After this, I never get a response. And not only that, when I left a comment on an offending company's fan page, they named me fan of the week.

Funny, to be sure, but I found out that it was an automated app, and I was the only one who commented that week. Still, I revived no response from them. Not even an acknowledgement of my complaint. This is why I feel in the future, this will continue happening. This is why I am writing this post, to try and nip it in the bud before it begins.

To any spammers reading any part of this blog:

You cannot stop my resolve to keep this blog of mine spam free. As I have a zero tolerance policy for spam, I have had a Turing test set up since the very beginning of my blog for those who comment as an anonymous reader. Not only that, but for comments made by humans, I have comment moderation in place. This also works against more advanced spamming machines which know how to get past the Turing test by a multitude of means.

Translation: I have a zero tolerance policy on spam. Both in my email and on my blog. And because I consider unpaid ads to be spam, that means that your comments will not be seen by anyone but me no matter who you are or what technology you employ to attempt to circumvent this.

That being said, I am willing to offer advertising if you really wish to advertise on my blog. I ask that anyone who would like to arrange a deal email me at the following email address:

No, this is obviously not the personal account I use for regular email, but I will get your email. And I can dispose of this address whenever I would like, so do not spam this address or I will close it. This address is to be used for legitimate business deals in regards to my blog only.

Thank You for reading, I invite readers to comment with any questions or comments.

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