
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interrupting the fake tech support scammer: Part 1

Over the past while, I’ve been posting transcripts of calls between me and fake tech support technicians. Sometimes they call me, sometimes I call them. And when I post these, they always get some kind of positive response. So because of this, I am planning to keep doing this along with my posts about malware. I could possibly make another blog just for this if I get enough positive feedback on it. So if someone thinks that is a good idea, I would ask that person to let me know in some way.

Now in this transcript, they called me. The tech on the other end claimed to be calling from Microsoft. And if you have read posts like these, you know that I did what I had to do. I kept him on the phone for some time, he was being stubborn. Good news for me and those who need a laugh, and good news for those that he might have scammed if he had not called me.

Me: "Hello?"
Tech: "Yes sir, I am calling from Microsoft. My name is Jim. How are you doing today?"
Me: "I am doing well, thank you for asking. I'm glad you called."
Tech: "OK, thank you."
Me: "Oh, you're welcome. Now what are you calling about?"
Tech: "I'm calling because-"
Me: "You said you were calling from Microsoft. But I was- I'm sorry?"
Tech: "Yes sir, I am calling from-"
Me: "We seem to be having- Are you there?"
Tech: "Yes sir, I am here."
Me: "Can you hear me?"
Tech: "Yes sir. I can hear you well."
Me: "OK. It seemed like we had some sort of issue there for a minute. How about we start from the beginning?"
Tech: "OK, first off, I am calling from Microsoft-"
Me: "Microsoft? Are you calling me to try to get me to upgrade?"
Tech: "No sir, I am calling because-"
Me: "My computer works fine, I don't want to upgrade- Are you there?"
Tech: Yes sir, what is the problem?"
Me: "Well I am trying to get some information about who you are and why you are calling, but you keep interrupting."
Tech: "Can you hear me?"
Me: "Yes, I can hear you OK. But you can't talk at the same time I'm talking or else I will not hear you."
Tech: "OK, I am calling because it has been reported to Microsoft that your computer has been infected with-"
Me: "I already paid for my computer and my computer work- Are you there?"
Tech: "Yes sir, I-"
Me: "Why do you keep talking over me? That's very unprofessional, and I may want to buy what you are selling. But I can't do business if i don't know what you are selling."
Tech: "Sir I am not selling anything. I am calling to remove-"
Me: "Let's start from the beginning, from scratch."

Continued in Part 2.

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