
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interrupting the fake tech support scammer: Part 2

This is continued from Part 1 of the already funny call between me and a fake tech support technician.

Tech: "OK, once again, I am calling from Microsoft. OK?"
Me: "OK. But why is Microsoft calling me?"
Tech: "Because your computer has been infected with viruses."
Me: "OK. And this is something that Microsoft did, correct?"
Tech: "No sir. Viruses can infect your computer by-"
Me: "Why is it that Microsoft is pestering me to upgrade my computer? Now they are- I'm sorry, what are you saying?"
Tech: "Sir. I am calling to help you remove the viruses on your computer."
Me: "Of course you are. You infected my computer, you should fix it."
Tech: "No sir. I did nothing to your computer."
Me: "I know you personally did nothing. But someone else from Microsoft did it."
Tech: "Whatever you would like to think sir. Now can we fix the problum?"
Me: "Yes, I want my computer fixed, even though I'm placing the blame for that on Microsoft."
Tech: "OK. Now are you in front of the computer?"
Me: "Yes I am."
Tech: "OK. And is the computer on?"
Me: "Yes, the Mac is on."
Tech: "Sir, do you have-"
Me: "Why is Microsoft calling about my Mac in- Hello?"
Tech; "Yes sir."
Me: "Well you cannot keep talking while I am talking. Otherwise I am not going to hear you."
Tech: "OK sir."
Me: "OK, shall we begin?"
Tech: "As long as you stop interrupting me."
Me: "I am not interrupting you. You are interrupting me."
Tech: "Sir will you listen to what-"
Me: "Why do you keep talking over me? You called me, and I was under the impression that you were going to help me. I am not going to- Will you stop that!"
Tech: "Stop what sir?"
Me: "That, that- You know what you are doing sir. That is very rude what you are doing."
Tech: "OK, sir. Can you answer a question for me?"
Me: "Sure."
Tech: "Do you have a computer running Windows?"
Me: "No, I only have a Mac."
Tech: "OK, then I am sorry to bother you sir."
Me: "OK. And I am sorry that we had that issue with you interrupting me."
Tech: "OK sir, have a good day sir."

The tech was quite nice on the phone, even though we were going in circles with me not allowing him to get out anything more then the basic script. And I have a feeling that he did not know what was going on until after he hung up.

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