
Friday, June 14, 2013

I am going to be a billionaire!

For those of you that have been reading my blog for some time, you know I like to mess with scammers, fake tech support and the like. But this has a bit of a twist to it. Yesterday, I got an email in my spam folder informing me that the phone number for my BlackBerry phone had won a UK lottery. The prize? £8.3 billion. And all I have to do is call a telephone number.

There are four things that made my "scam" alarm bells go off:

1. I don't own a cell phone, much less a BlackBerry.
2. I do not live in the UK and have never even been to the UK.
3. This email was in my spam folder.
4. I have not entered a lottery even once in my life.

So this was oviously a scam. But I was a bit curious about the phone number. Not having much else to do at the time, I called the number. This is the transcript of the call, which I had the thought to write down.

Scammer: "Hello. Thank You for calling. How may I help you?"
Me: "Yeah, hi. I got an email saying that my phone won a UK lottery. But I don't remember entering a lottery."
Scammer: "Yes sir. What is your name?"
Me: "Uh, Tom."
Scammer: "OK Mr. Tom. Where are you calling from?"
Me: "I'm calling from the USA, but I live in London."
Scammer: "Sorry, from where?"
Me: "From the UK. I live in London."
Scammer: "Yes sir, I know you live in London. But where are you calling from now?"
Me: "I am calling from the United States of America."
Scammer: "OK, thank you sir. Now what is the phone number for your BlackBerry phone?"
Me: "Actually, there is a bit of an issue there."
Scammer: "What would that be Mr. Tom?"
Me: "Here's the thing. I don't own a cell phone and have never owned a cell phone."
Scammer: "I'm sorry?"
Me: "I don't own a cell phone. And I know that this is a scam."
Scammer: "I am sorry sir, you said that this is a scam?"
Me: "Yes I did."
Scammer: "OK, well I am sorry you feel that way sir."
Me: "It is not that I feel that way, it's that I do not have a phone and I did not enter a lottery."
Scammer: "OK, are you through sir?"
Me: "Yes sir."
Scammer: "OK, well I am sorry that the email bothered you sir. Have a good day sir."
Me: "And you as well. Bye Bye."

I hope I can still get my billions, I want to buy some stuff.

Thank You for reading. If you found this funny, or you wish to make a claim for some of the money I am getting, be sure to comment below.

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