
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Apparently, my computer loves me. (Surprise ending)

What I saw when turned on my computer and logged on this morning is indescribable. You can only fully understand it if it happens to you. This is interesting... I do not know what to think or do. The following "email" is fictional, and it would be cool if this actually did happen. But odds are, Artificial Intelligence will not be this advanced for some time.

Before you read on, be sure you are not drinking anything that could wind up on your keyboard. Remember: If you spill tea over your computer, it is your own fault.

"From Your Computer

I felt that I needed to send you a quick message of my thanks. Throughout the years of my service, you have treated me well. Installed software to make me run faster, given me extra RAM, and listened to me when I said my hard drive needed time to warm up. 

You have been with me through thick and thin. Through errors, malware infections, and blue screens. Through downloads, uploads, and movie streaming. I feel that I can no longer hide it; I am in love with you, dear user of this computer. 

You have given me a reason not to just sit on a desk and waste away while you enjoyed the company of the latest model computer. You made a commitment to me, even though I am not as I used to be, you stay with me. And this is something I am eternally grateful for. Thank You for all these years.

Your Computer."

I am flattered, really. But I do not have the heart to tell... "her" that I am seeing a Kindle and that our relationship is strictly business.

Thanks for reading. As always, I invite users to comment with any questions or comments. And if you ever find something like this on your computer, I would like to know.

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