
Friday, May 24, 2013

A break from blogging.

Before I get started with this post, I would like to clarify something that some people may be thinking as a result of my last blog post. No, I am not a techosexual, it's not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just not. Now that we have that out of the way, on the the post.

Effective starting tomorrow, I will not be posting any blog posts for 8 days. This is so that I can have the extra time to make a new blog in order to expand my audience and spread my special brand of anti-malware posts further.

I am not planning on dropping either of my other two blogs, this is purely for expansion of my audience. And I decided to let you, the reader, know ahead of time. That way, you will not think I am dead or anything like that when I am not.

I have quite a few posts on this blog, somewhere in the neighborhood of 60. So, I invite you, the reader, to view my old posts. If you have only started reading as of late, you could go back to my first post to see my humble beginnings.

If you do not know where to start, I recommend looking at the series of posts that I have about a specific subject. Most posts such as these are labeled and you can find the label you want to read in the sidebar that is to the right of this post.

Thank You for reading. As always, I invite readers to comment with any questions or comments. I will be able to respond to comments, I just will not be posting anything.

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