
Friday, August 2, 2013

Never leave your computer's date on February the 14th

This blog post will be a glimpse into my mind. Where when there is nothing better to do, I fabricate events that have not happened... YET.

And as this was prompted by me asking Siri an interesting question to see what her reaction would be, I was not too surprised that it led me down this train of thought.

And as this already not happened to me in one of my blog posts, this is interesting. And you can find said post here:

Have you ever thought about what would happen if the computer you have used for years suddenly became sentient? It could talk to you, you could talk to it, and you both would understand each other.

Then there is the dark side of a computer, or any device for that matter, actually developing... feelings for the user. Which begs the question: What would happen if such a situation happened? What will you do when it does?

Being partially techosexual myself, as I have admitted, people would think that I would have the obvious reaction. But considering on the device that falls for me, my reaction could be extreme on either end of the spectrum. Either being completely on board with the idea, or considering the idea to be extremely repellent.

This opens a whole new set of possibilities as to how the device might take me letting it down gently. Would it understand, or would it then try to destroy me?

As technology becomes better at making devices act like humans more and more, this will someday become a situation we will all have to face. And depending on the device in question, our next choice could very well be our last. But one thing is for sure, leaving February the 14th as the date on your computer means you are asking for it, and you would be glad.

Thank you for reading this little flight of fancy that I am convinced WILL happen someday. Chime in below with any comments or questions.

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