
Monday, June 24, 2013

Why read my blog?

I originally wrote a small list of reasons to read my blog for my first blog post. But as it has been a little over five months since I started blogging, I feel that it would be a good exercise for myself and a help to my readers to reaffirm this. And while my vision and goals may have changed slightly from my beginnings, I still have the same ultimate goal in mind as I did five months ago.

1: I am Independent. I do not work for any company that wants to sell you its products. I also have no affiliation with any company at all, save for the fact that I may use their products. I am not contracted by any agency that assists companies or corporations in selling their products. And of course, I do not work for Microsoft in any way, shape, or form.

2: I've been a victim of malware. I recognize that no one is born knowing the information I post on my blog. As such, I was a victim of malware countless times before knew what I know now. As a result, I now am determined to help bring about the end of malware in some way. This helps me blog, because I blog with only one goal in mind.

3: I do not run ads. Quite simply, I do not run ads on any blogs that I author. And as such, I do not make a penny off of my blog. And while this may change in the future because of the fact that the future is unpredictable, I have no plans to run ads on any blog that I have now or will have in the future. This helps keep the look and feel of my blogs clean and less susceptible to malware.

Now here is what you will not get by reading my blog:

1: Malware. I can't say that it is impossible you will ever get infected again, but you can lower your risk by following my advice. Also, I will not distribute malware to any party on any blog platform. Besides the fact that it is against the terms of service, it would violate my ethics.

2: Someone talking over your head. I've been to enough talks to learn that some computer experts really do not explain themselves clearly when they are talking to the public at large. In some cases, this is so bad that you could almost swear that the person talking is using a different language. And while I might fail in some aspects, I try to explain things as best as I can.

3: A completely boring blog. Boredom. It's a constant on the internet at some point. I not only fight malware, but I also fight boredom. Sometimes I call fake tech support companies or they call me. When I have them on the line, I mess with them and waste their time as much as I can. By reading these posts, you do your part to fight against boredom.

Thank You for reading. I invite readers to comment with any questions or comments.

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