
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fake Tech Support Conversations: FAILS

For those of you that have just started reading my blog, I often find that there are fake tech support companies trying to make money by playing off the fear of others. How such a company works is that they either call the victim or they get the victim to call them. They then convince the victim to allow remote control of their PC. After the scammer has remote control, he or she finds fake "issues" such as viruses on the victim's computer that do not exist on the victim's computer.

Now, I said that they call victims, they mostly do cold calling. But occasionally they run into someone who knows that it is a scam and has nothing better to do then waste their time. This blog post will include some of the pranks I pull on these scammers that just did not work. And if you have been reading my blog for some time, you recognize this post as another one that is going to be funny. So without any further ado, these are the FAILS that I decided to share with my readers.

Tech: "Are you sitting at your computer?"
Me: "Yes."
Tech: "OK, and what is your lost name sir."
Me: "Henderson."
Tech: "OK Mr. Henderson, and what is your first name?"
Me: "Florence."
Tech: "So your name is Florance Henderson?"
Me: "Yes."
Tech: *Hangs Up*
Me: "Hello?"

Tech: Thank You for calling 24/7 PC Guard, how may I help you?"
Me: "Yes, I want to order a pizza."
Tech: "Sir, you do understand that you are calling a tech support company... right?"
Me: "Yes, now what toppings do you have?"
Tech: *Hangs Up*
Me: "Do you offer free delivery? Hello? Why did you hang up on me?"

Tech: "Sir, I recognize your caller ID as the same person who called us yesterday and disrupted our work. Are you calling with an actual issue, or are you just going to be a nuisance again?"
Me: "I was hoping to do a little bit of both actually."
Tech: *Hangs Up*

Tech: "Thank You for calling Securebit Technologies, my name is Dave. How may I help you?"
Me: "Where is the nearest PC repair shop?"
Tech: "Sir, this is where you get tech support for a PC that has issues."
Me: "Well maybe you can help me then. I shot a bullet through my PC because it would not load fast enough."
Tech: "So, your computer is running slow?"
Me: "It was."
Tech: "OK, and what have you tried to remady the issue?"
Me: "I shot the screen off with a double barreled shotgun."
Tech: *Hangs Up*

Now for the Finale, 24/7 PC Guard talks to Securebit Technologies.

24/7 Tech: "Thank You for calling 24/7 PC Guard. My name is Kevin, how may I help you?"
Securebit Tech: "Thank You for calling Securebit Technologies. How may I help you?"
24/7 Tech: "I'm sorry sir, we do not need any help. Hello?"
Securebit Tech: "Yes sir. How may I help you today?"
24/7 Tech: "I'm sorry sir. It looks like someone 3-wayed our call. They were in the background earlier, and I am sorry for this."
Securebit Tech: "I'm sorry?"
24/7 Tech: "Someone connected our call or something. I am so sorry for this."
Securebit Tech: "I see."
24/7 Tech: "OK, have a good day sir."
Sceurebit Tech: "You too. Bye."

Thank You for reading. As always, I invite readers to comment below with any comments or questions.

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