
Saturday, July 13, 2013

First Q&A session details.

For those of you who do not know yet, I recently created an account to make it easier to answer questions that readers have. I also plan on using the account for Question and Answer type events. This blog post will be regarding the details of this first event.

First off, the subject of this Q&A event is going to be about malware. You can ask any question, within reason. And because all my readers read my blog to learn, there are absolutely NO stupid questions.
I'm serious about that, no matter how dumb you think the question may be, you can still ask it and I will still answer it. No one was born knowing this stuff, and I would know, despite how easy I make it seem. So, anything goes as long as it is malware related in some way. No, I am not going to offer relationship advice. And I doubt that you would take said advice anyway, considering as I am single.

And as for rules? When I am doing something like this for the first time, I really can't make much in the way of rules. I don't know what is going to happen, and I really do not want to control something that does not need to be controlled.

But one rule I am going to adhere to is to keep all questions clean of any profanity. I pride myself on staying at least somewhat family friendly with the issue of malware, and this is something that I will extend to anything outside blogging.

Those found to be in violation of this rule will get the following response:

"It's a Q&A session, not a night club."

But of course, I will allow the offending user to get an answer to the same question. Provided that the question is free of profanity.

As for a date and a time, this is why I am posting about this actually. I would like to work out a time that if possible, is best for everyone. The last time I attempted something like this, it was a disaster. So I welcome comments on this, and hopefully we can work something out that will be good for as many people as possible.

And perhaps I will have regular Q&A sessions. If the first one gets good feedback, it might be good to make this a regular thing. But that's the thing I need to find out. Because this is my first attempt at doing something on this scale, there is still quite a bit I need to learn.

You can find me on here:

Thanks for reading. I invite readers to comment with any questions or comments.

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