
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

News on the new blog.

It's been a little over a month since my last update on a blog that I've been working on. So here is some more info on what is going on.

First off, the new blog is now what I consider to be in late private beta. I will be sending a link to a few select people who will be part of the first group of beta readers soon. I have been focusing on getting blog posts up and creating the website. This brings me to the point that the blog is an actual website, not just a blog.

When I first started blogging, I was aiming for simplicity. My blog only had one page which was the blog itself. With this new blog, the design is meant for simplicity, but there are five pages so far and there is also a contact me tab.

I honestly do not expect this new blog to get read much at all. If I am being realistic, I consider this to be a stepping stone to a new blog with paid hosting. And it will culminate in if all goes to plan. After I make the link to the new blog completely public, I will look into the feasibility of WordPress as the last platform that will have malwareaware as a sub-domain.

I write this post with another purpose then informing my readers, I also write to ask for help from you. If you consider my blog to be a good resource for those that are infected with malware, share it. To maximize my audience, this blog must become viral. It must become viral to the point where it rivals the speed of viruses in spreading. Because when the cure spreads as fast as the illness, it gives us a true chance in winning the war.

This post also serves as a reminder to my readers and to myself that I will settle for nothing less then the complete eradication of malware.

The quoted text below is from Professor Stephen Hawking during his Life in the Universe lecture. The full text of the lecture can be found here.

"I think computer viruses should count as life. Maybe it says something about human nature, that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. Talk about creating life in our own image."

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